Vineyard Of The Future Project

We have decided to put our money where our mouth is and design and construct the “Vineyard Of The Future”. We are replanting a 10Ha site over a 7 year time frame. We started last year with 2 rows and we have just planted the next 10 rows.

Replanting this site gives us a perfect chance to “swipe the board” or “push the reset button”. We intend to do all of the things that we wished we had of done when we first developed the vineyard 20 odd years ago.

Our goal is to design and construct the world’s most efficient vineyard. By efficient we mean the lowest possible annual operating costs while delivering the highest quality fruit possible to our customer.

Stay Tuned for Updates: Over the course of this project we will be showing you the best and the latest labour saving devices and products from KLIMA and other like minded suppliers.